Our Program
offered to the community
Our work began inside of prisons, but in 2020 Success Stories began offering our 13-week workshop series in spaces outside of prisons.
About the Program:
Offered to cis men who are formerly incarcerated, have interacted with the criminal punishment system, or are at risk of being criminalized or incarcerated.
Based in feminist theory that radically reshapes how people who have caused harm see themselves, their goals, and their relationships to the people closest to them.
Utilizes a “Relate – Investigate – Recreate” model where peer facilitators seek to relate with participants by describing how they personally dealt with or deal with similar thoughts and behaviors.
Examples of spaces: schools, re-entry and recovery programs, other nonprofit organizations.
All programs are facilitated by coaches who are formerly incarcerated or system impacted.
After graduating, all participants stay connected as a part of our Alumni Network, which offers tangible resource sharing, programming, and accountability to continue on their individual and collective journeys.
What FOLKS ARE SAYING about the program
"On a very personal level [Success Stories Program] healed some wounds around relationships with men. For a long time, I was embarrassed and ashamed to show up with a group of men having different values.
Now, I have three sons – triplets. I hope to share with them that they can treat themselves well, be soft without being weak, and treat others with kindness and integrity. This program is aligned with how I intend on raising my sons forever."
– Tyler Epps, Alumni through partnership with Rise Up Kingston and the Newburgh LGBTQ+ Center
“Within this 12-week program, our students were able to learn about, candidly discuss, and actively apply a multitude of topics related to masculinity. By learning from men who could empathize with their experiences, these students were then willing to begin to try and implement the lessons and values learned through the Success Stories program. As a result of this mentorship, it is evident that our young men have begun to make positive changes in their thoughts and actions. This is seen in their interactions and ways they talk about [girls and women] in a more respectful way, how they interact with adults in a more respectful manner, and how they think about and resolve conflict with others. These students have vocalized that they are grateful to have gone through the program and that they now feel they have positive male role models that they can reach out to at any time.”
– Kelsey Newton, Teacher and Parent/Community Engagement Coordinator at University Heights